OVL/S99-E097 Horn of the Goblin General

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If you do not have a character with "Enri(エンリ)" in its card name, this card cannot be played from your hand. Put this card into your memory. [Put 1 card from your hand into your waiting room] If you have 1 "Horn of the Goblin General" in your memory, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to 3 "Goblin Military Band" or "Goblin Heavy Infantry Corps" in your waiting room, and put them in separate positions of your stage.[(2) Put 2 cards from your hand into your waiting room] If your level is 3, and you have 2 "Horn of the Goblin General" in your memory, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to 3 "Goblin Elite Guards" in your waiting room, and put them in separate positions of your stage.