November 8th, 2021 Weekly Update - BIG SALE INCOMING
Hello Everyone!
Jesh here! I just had a Red Bull, ready to start the day!
Big November Site Wide Sale Announcement
Every year, during November, Strictly Broken TCG does an end of year inventory round up and with that comes a site wide inventory sale! Use code HARRYPOGGERS to get 10% off any listed price on every product on the website! This includes both Weiss Schwarz as well as Cardfight!! Vanguard products.
The sale will run from Friday November 12th, 2021 at 12AM PST all the way until Friday November 19th, 2021 at 11:59PM PST, so get excited for some big deals! Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and stay tuned to this blog for updates!
CFV Clan Collection Vol. 1 & 2 Releases Next Week!
As for releases, our pre-orders are still on for Clan Collections Vol. 1 & 2, they should be going out next week so get your orders in while you can.
Quintessential Quintuplets Playsets Almost Sold Out!
The Quintessential Quintuplets playsets are also still available but we only have a few left! Be sure to pick them up while supplies last! My favorite is Ichika! smile:)
Pokémon Fusion Strike Release Week!
Fusion Strike for Pokémon will be coming out this week. So come check us out on TCGPlayer under Strictly Broken TCG! Also take a look at our Instagram to see our spectacular pulls!
USPS Shipping to Australia Update
Shipments to Australia will still only be able to be sent out via Asendia as USPS continues to halt their services there. Any orders placed with international letter mail to Australia will still be delayed. DHL/Fedex options are still available however. If you have an order that you would like sent through Asendia, be sure to let us know, by contacting us at questions@strictlybrokentcg.ca.
This is Jesh from SBTCG! Thanks for reading the weekly update!
(Note: Any items ordered prior to or after the sale will not be applicable. The HARRYPOGGERS discount code will not be valid with any other discount code.)
Image via u/DeFreeKarma