【AUTO】 [(1)] This ability activates up to 1 time per turn. When your character's trigger check reveals a climax with
in its trigger icon, you may pay the cost. If you do, deal 1 damage to your opponent. (Damage may be canceled)
【AUTO】 【CXCOMBO】 [(3) Put 1 card from your hand into your waiting room] This ability activates up to 1 time per turn. When this card's battle opponent becomes 【REVERSE】, if "Serious Showdown Between Otaku" is in your climax area, you may pay the cost. If you do, 【STAND】 this card.

【AUTO】 【CXCOMBO】 [(3) Put 1 card from your hand into your waiting room] This ability activates up to 1 time per turn. When this card's battle opponent becomes 【REVERSE】, if "Serious Showdown Between Otaku" is in your climax area, you may pay the cost. If you do, 【STAND】 this card.