OVL/S99-E004S Human Interactions, Lupusregina

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【CONT】 This card can be played from your hand without fulfilling color requirements.【CONT】 During your turn, this card gets +5000 power.【AUTO】 【CXCOMBO】 [Put 1 card from your hand into your waiting room] When this card's battle opponent becomes 【REVERSE】, if "Cruel Nature" is in your climax area, and you have 2 or more other 《Grotesque Race》 or 《Nazarick》 or 《Carne Village》 characters, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to 2 《Grotesque Race》 or 《Nazarick》 or 《Carne Village》 characters in your waiting room, and return them to your hand. If you do not pay the cost, choose up to 1 《Grotesque Race》 or 《Nazarick》 or 《Carne Village》 character in your waiting room, and return it to your hand.